What I’m Thankful For
Humans! Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day, and it has me thinking about all the things I, myself, have to be thankful for. In many ways, I really do live a charmed life here at Disneyland—it is the Happiest Place on Earth after all. But even I can get complacent every once in a while and take it all for granted, so here I go counting my blessings:
- I’m truly the most adorable cat around.
- I’m truly the smartest creature I know.
- My sense of humor is out of this world.
- Everyone loves and fawns over me.
- I have well-coiffed fur.
- I never have to pay for admission to Disneyland.
- I can eat all the best scraps out of dumpsters.
- I’ve mastered the best ways to steal food from humans in the parks.
- I can ride as many attractions as I want after-hours without waiting.
- I have unlimited access to the Court of Angels without being a Club 33 member.
- I have unlimited access to Club 33 without being a Club 33 member.
- Disneyland is my litter box.
- I can always collect treasures from underneath the Space Mountain track.
- When I meow ominously on the Matterhorn, it really freaks people out.
- The animals at Big Thunder Ranch know they have to do my bidding.
- Doors that are marked “off limits” have no power over me.
- Our feeding stations are always well stocked.
- I speak several different languages (mostly I can just say “keep your hands, arms, feet and legs inside the car” in both Spanish and English).
- I’ve been to hell and back (on Mr. Toad’s Wild Ride)
- No matter how many times I look into the eyes of Mara, I never die.
- My Toy Story Mania score is spectacular considering I don’t have opposable thumbs.
- I’m thankful for tuna.
- I’m thankful for turkey legs.
- I’m thankful for Plaza Inn fried chicken.
- I’m still thankful for tuna.
- I’m thankful for other fishes.
- I’m thankful for other tasty snacks.
- I’m thankful for rodents.
- I’m thankful for lizards.
- Last and least, I guess I’m thankful for you humans. Not humans in general—certainly not humans in general. But those of you who follow my blog, my Twitter account, my Instagram, my Facebook page, my Pinterest, etc. are… okay. And that’s quite the compliment.
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. Now give me some turkey.


Sounds like you live the Purrrrfect life! Nothing like getting a bad pun from a purrrrfect stranger. Oops, I did it again, Sorry. Anyway, nice post.