Update on the Feral Cat Feeding Ban
Another post from the human:
If you read our last post, you know about the City of Anaheim’s recent ban on feeding feral cats.
Even in the last week, there have been several updates to the news regarding this ordinance, and I want to do whatever I can to help set the record straight (remember, though, that this is an unofficial site and is not affiliated with Disney or the City of Anaheim in any way, so we certainly don’t have as much information as they do).
Most importantly, you need to know that the Cats of Disneyland are not being starved.
On the contrary, they are entirely unaffected by the ban on feeding feral cats. The City responded to the uproar over the ordinance by posting a press release on its website. We encourage you to read the full FAQ, but here is the key question:
No. The cats on Disney property are well-cared for and stay on property.”
Because of the response from the public, Anaheim has completely backpedaled and is not currently enforcing the feeding ban at all (regardless of the location or number of cats).
The City has also caused consternation among cat-lovers by mentioning that it would begin monitoring colonies of more than 30 cats and trapping them if it is deemed they cause “safety concerns.” Again, this part of the ordinance does not apply to the Disneyland Cats because it has been proven that they are well cared for.
Still, just because the colony at the Disneyland Resort isn’t threatened doesn’t mean that the ordinance as written doesn’t pose a danger. The number 30 seems to have been chosen arbitrarily, and there isn’t any research that shows a colony bigger than 30 would pose a public health risk. In fact, any claims about feral cats posing a health risk in general are almost completely shot down in this excellent article from Alley Cat Allies.
As long as the feral cat feeding ban remains in the City code, the law could be enforced at any time (especially when the current batch of lawmakers is replaced down the line). It’s important for the future of feral cats in the City of Anaheim that this code is rewritten to be clearer and to more accurately endorse trap-neuter-return (TNR) as the best method of care and control. It’s also important that the law stops being as specific about only government-sponsored TNR programs being acceptable, because a number of private organizations participate in these programs as well and should be allowed to keep doing so.
All this goes to say that you should, by all means, keep signing the petitions, and keep emailing the mayor (ttait@anaheim.net) to ask that the ordinance is repealed or rewritten. But make sure that you have your facts straight before you do so. Spreading misinformation doesn’t help the cause—in fact, it hurts it because we are taken less seriously.
So just as I ask you to correct your friends who spread rumors about a nightly cat release, I encourage you to correct those who claim that the Cats of Disneyland are being starved. Disney is keeping them as healthy as ever, and we will continue to document their antics on this blog and on our social media accounts.


Good morning, and thank you for posting your update. I would be happy to chat with you over the phone for further clarification.
Ruth Ruiz
Public Information Officer
City of Anaheim
Thank you for leaving your name and phone availble. I still beleive TNR works in the long term. Let those committed dealing with the feral population do their work. The Disney people may be concerned. A vaccum has been created( by not feeding cats). Cats are smart they will go where the food is. Lastly this is inhumane. Really. Respectfully Glenda Parrish
No More Homeless Pets in Jacksonville,Florida. Assists citizens with feral cat Trap, Neuter Release!!!! This program is working and the feral cats are getting spayed and neutered, fed and well taken care of!!!! Please don’T ban feeding cats!!!!! Starvation is cruel!!!!! They will search out food and get run over!!!!! Please listen to your responsible citizens who promote caring for feral cats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In light of evidence from psychological studies associating abuse and neglect of animals with higher propensity towards violence against people, I would expect any responsible governmental authority to be encouraging humane treatment of animals, such as TNR and feeding stations, rather than foster a mind-set corroborating violence. Feeding ferals, it would seem logically, would also protect at-risk wildlife populations from predatory behaviors.
About three years ago this wonderful Calico Cat appeared on my patio
She was tame and very cordial, so it;s possible she may have belonged
to someone. I fed her.My Wife was ill at the time and the cat had to live outside. She eventually had a litter of five. We did TNR.
The cats survived. We found homes for four of the kitties and kept one along with the Mama, El Gato. When my wife died the cats moved in the house. El Gato thinks she’s MY mama, follows me everywhere.
Her son Goldie is a great buddy.I believe Cats are Gods chosen ones.
I know some feral cats are unapproachable but feed them anyway, do TNR. There are a lot of abandoned cats that aren’t really feral.
Approach them and find out. My LA family found all their cats that way. Jerry Gordon Henderson, NV
I love your reply. Feral cats should not be called that. They should be called “abandoned/homeless” cats because that is what they are. How any city can establish a law that forbids feeding of homeless/abandoned “cats & people” shows just how hardened and indifferent the hearts of the officials of that city are. I have personally tames feral cats have been involved in trapping and releasing and even finding foster home(s) to the ones who have become tame. Help the feral cats (feed them) monitor their health and progress by sterilizing them. Do for them what should be done for homeless children and adults who are caught up in circumstances beyond their control.
If the City of Anaheim does NOT have a heart they should GET a heart for homeless animals & people.
Hi Jerry – I just want to say that I LOVE your story and I feel the same way about cats. I’m just glad my Mom was a cat lover or I probably would be like the woman who runs The Cat House on the Kings (www.cathouseonthekings.com).
I have recently joined the Anaheim Fix Project leadership team and I am very happy to report that thanks to you and thousands of people who signed the online petition and sent emails to the mayor, the City of Anaheim has revised the ordinance that banned the feeding of feral cats. And even more exciting is that the city has invited us to help them create humane new policies and programs. The Anaheim Fix Project is a relatively new and small group of volunteers so if the cats of Disneyland have any friends who would like to join us to help with this amazing opportunity or if there are established Orange County cat rescue organizations who would like to partner with us, you can contact me for more information at anaheim.fix.project.food@gmail.com
Thank you,
I just learned today that Disneyland had a feral cat population. I would go to Disney just to see the cats, But then I love cats. In my neighborhood so many people move away and leave their cats behind. Over the last 10 years I have looked after over 50 cats at different times but no more than 13 at once, and I have witnessed the effects of when they have plenty of food to eat and when they don’t. When they are well fed the likelihood for them to fight with each other and/or get into dumpsters/garbage cans is almost nil. Also, when they are spayed/neutered they don’t travel around so much or become so territorial and are more likely to live amongst each other peacefully and often without human’s even knowing they are there.
I have to tell you, I stumbled across this page all the way from Australia and Im so glad to hear of your program to control abandoned cats without cruelty. Here in Australia they are truely feral and a very big problem for our unique wildlife, I believe if we had a program such as this one the problem would be much better controlled, as it is, it is now law here most places that cats be confined at night, spayed and microchipped but its a bit like shutting the gate after the horse has bolted with huge populations of our wildlife being wiped out each year…..keep up the good work….Ive always loved Disney as a concept, and always wished I could visit the park.